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What People Are Saying About The Thousand Points of Light Project
This has tapped into something deeply spiritual for me. This precarious equilibrium in life. This “taking the good with the bad”. Anguish and peace. This philosophy of “Yin and Yang”. This principle of living in a way that accepts such awful circumstances with a heavy but wide-open heart to the lessons and the love that can come from them. The strength that must require. I can hardly imagine it but then, I think that it must be in all of us, if we only have the courage to see it.
~ Teicia
“I've seen a lot of things in the past 54 months I've spent in Afghanistan as a Special Forces Green Beret, but nothing could have ever prepared me for what you have done. Your strength that you portray is a goal for the strongest to live up to. This is an inspiration to us all.”
~ Darby Mullis, U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne)
“You are an incredible writer and reading your stories, thoughts, feelings just blow me away.”
~ Madeline Hackmyer
“It's not often, I think, that one comes across something special that genuinely brings life into perspective.”
~ Maria J Zaragoza
“I wanted you to know that your words bring a sense of order to the chaos that surrounds life. They have the ability to comfort anyone to feels pain or loss or frustration or confusion.”
~ Catherine Brown Roberson
“I don't know what kind of impact this is going to have on my life. Maybe it will help me to think of others. Maybe it will help me have some perspective. Maybe it will help me to not waste the moments I have with my kids. Maybe it will help me find God again. I really don't know. But I do know this story has touched me.”
~ Brian Nash
“Some people show us how to live. Others show us how to die. It’s a rare and precious few who can teach us both.”
~ Karen Palmer Western
“I live in the UK and stumbled across your message about A Thousand Points of Light by chance. I am forever grateful for your inspiring words, it has simply changed my perspective on life and allowed me to have hope for the future in things I'd never thought of before.”
~ Natalia Yeeles
“Not much penetrates my outer shell. I hold it all together inside far away. Your words however are able to reach that deep hidden place and penetrate me in a way not many can. I read your posts and can barely read them. It surprises me because normally I am not able to feel much, but you write in such a way that I am able to feel your words.”
~ Carie Arnett
“I just want to say thank you for giving me hope for the future.”
~ Wendy Christensen
“I am not a religious man, I am actually agnostic, but your faith and belief in higher purpose are truly inspiring.”
~ Darren James Tomalin
“You inspire others and spread profound insight in rather deep, dark life experiences.”
~ Denise Mitchell Johnson
“Sometimes you wonder why things happen; and then some days we are offered a touch of grace that gives us a slight glimmer of insight. I still don't know how I found this, but I did.”
~ Andi Grannemann Kahn
“My name is Catherine McCrory and I'm 22 years old. I have labeled myself agnostic for many years, however recently there have been events that have made me believe in a higher power. Previously I have longed to believe in God but it just didn't happen. I listened to the audio of your Thousand Points of Light address and it's given me the closest thing to faith that I have ever felt. I know there's someone looking out for us. Something that is making us better human beings. I feel that yours and your journey have validated that for me, and I just wanted to thank you. I felt so compelled to share this with you. You are a credit to humanity.”
~ Catherine McCrory
“I value your touching words. Some reduce me to tears...but in a spiritual lifting way. In a way, you are an educator of life...teaching us to slow down more and soak in those simple moments we usually take for granted.”
~ Maggie Martinez

Our Points of Light project has been underway for a few years in the form of live and virtual workshops. Each is designed to help individuals reframe their life experiences, make valuable connections and find deeper meaning through their life experiences. We’re now about to begin building digital tools to help people capture the meaning, connection, and intersection of their life experiences.
What’s next is the most exciting part of the journey: we’re developing software that will change the way you see the world around you.
Workshops & Private Retreats
Join one of our public workshops or host a private retreat and explore the points of light that have shaped your life.
Software Development
We’ve already begun the early stages of development for our Points of Light software. Register on our website to gain early access and become a beta tester when we’re ready.
Software Launch
Date TBD.