Speaking Inquiry
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What People Are Saying
“Words cannot express the feelings that are coursing through me right now.
~ Stacy Waechter | Batesville Indianna
This has tapped into something deeply spiritual for me. This precarious equilibrium in life. This “taking the good with the bad”. Anguish and peace. This philosophy of “Yin and Yang”. This principle of living in a way that accepts such awful circumstances with a heavy but wide-open heart to the lessons and the love that can come from them. The strength that must require. I can hardly imagine it but then, I think that it must be in all of us, if we only have the courage to see it.
~ Teicia
“I wanted you to know that your words bring a sense of order to the chaos that surrounds life. They have the ability to comfort anyone to feels pain or loss or frustration or confusion.”
~ Catherine Brown Roberson
Last week I was in Nashville, TN, for our annual Leadership Conference. I was honored to receive the first ShareLife award. The photo was taken after I received the award. Christopher M. Jones is is the gentleman closest in the photo. He was a guest speaker from Utah. He shared a very personal part of his life during his presentation that touched me and everyone so much! Having to go in front of a crowd to receive the award and give a speech after him was the one of the hardest things I have ever had to do! He is such an inspiration and a strong man, husband, father and now friend. All I'm asking is for you to take time to look at his Facebook page, Mitchells journey or his web page, mitchellsjourney.org. I'm hoping that I will be able to get him to to Aiken so he can share his story with you!
~ Allen Bateman | South Carolina
I was so honored to be asked to speak at the annual North Carolina Funeral Directors Conference. It was a priveledge to share the stage with Chris Jones on Tuesday. From the first time I heard of Tender Mercies: Mitchell's Journey, I have wanted to learn more about his and his families remarkable journey. Thank you Chris for sharing such a personal, moving, and inspirational story.
~ Marc Kanapaux, Charleston, South Carolina
“Sometimes you wonder why things happen; and then some days we are offered a touch of grace that gives us a slight glimmer of insight. I still don't know how I found this, but I did.”